The Missions Guild of Metro New York
Who We Are
The Missions Guild of Metro New York is a group of evangelical mission practitioners from multiple
denominations and organizations working together to facilitate the expansion of the Kingdom of God
into all of the people group populations that make up Metro New York.
The vision of the Missions Guild of Metro New York is to see a growing number of maturing disciples
that result in viable, reproducing churches among every people group in Metro New York.
Mission Statement
The Missions Guild of Metro New York exists to facilitate missions movements, resulting in churches
being planted, among all of the unreached people groups of Metro New York.
Action Statements
The Missions Guild of Metro New York will work together to:
1. Create a missions culture among the churches of Metro New York by:
a. Being an advocate for unreached peoples and for Metro New York as a strategic mission field
b. Facilitating local prayer initiatives focused on unreached peoples in our city
c. Promoting volunteer opportunities to serve among unreached peoples
d. Initiating and promoting missions to unreached peoples through seminars, speaking in churches,
and through missions courses such as Perspectives
2. Provide training and guidance for local and transplanted missionaries working among the people
groups of Metro New York by:
a. Creating and implementing a missionary apprenticeship program
b. Offering coaching and mentoring to mission practitioners
c. Providing multiple entry points and avenues for Christians to be involved in missions
d. Creating a peer-learning community to discuss best practices in our context
e. Directing people towards best methods and gospel resources
3. Plant reproducing churches among all people groups represented in Metro New York by:
a. Focusing on obedience to Christ as the primary mark of a disciple
b. Intentionally and persistently raising up spiritual leaders
c. Encouraging contextual, transformative, and biblical church planting methodology
New York is a Strategic Mission Field
The Missions Guild of Metro New York declares that we, the Christian community in the Tri-State area,
have neglected Christ’s command to make disciples of the nations He has brought to our doorstep. If the
members of unreached people groups living in Metro New York were collectively counted as a city, they
would form the second largest city in the United States. There are over 2 million Jews, 800,000 Muslims,
and 400,000 Hindus in Metro New York, yet little gospel witness is taking place among these groups. The
Missions Guild of Metro New York declares that the time has arrived for Christians in the Tri-State area
and beyond to focus prayer, personnel, finances, talents, knowledge, ministry, church planting efforts,
and other resources to reach the unreached peoples of Metro New York. At a time when technology has
connected the entire world, with New York’s large and diverse immigrant population as well as
unparalleled global influence, we declare Metro New York to be one of the most strategic places at the
most strategic time in history to “make disciples of all nations.”
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