By Tiana Murray; adapted from Global City Missions
A major flaw in missions today is a lack of importance placed on
Scripture. Of course, we say that we put the authority of Scripture
above all else and quote it eloquently when evangelizing, but whether or
not Scripture has come to a true place of authority in our personal
lives is debatable. Too often we rely on our own efforts and plans
instead of learning to discern the whisper of the Holy Spirit. Without
the Word in its rightful place in our lives, we miss out on hearing from
God in ways that not only transform our lives, but the lives of those
we minister to.
Without Scripture driving and fueling ministry, our efforts to further
the Kingdom lack the vitality and life that show that our work is from
God. We hold Bible studies and preach from the Word, but all of that
simply covers up the fact that we fail to make time for it in our own
lives. Our intentions are good, but we are weaker than we realize. We
need Scripture just as much as the people we are discipling, and we need
to pass the discipline of interacting with the Scriptures in a truly
transforming way onto them.
Too often, missionaries keep new believers dependent on them when it
comes to hearing from the Word. We train new believers to be far too
reliant on missionaries and pastors when they should be given the
opportunity to read the Word themselves and learn to discern the voice
of the Spirit. Global City Mission says, "When there is no longer
dependency on the missionary or similar figure, it increases the
reproducibility of the church. New believers learn that they too can
share the Word of God. Making new disciples simply requires faithfulness
to the Word of God, wisdom to discern, and sensitivity to His Spirit."
Missions starts with being transformed by the Spirit of God, which we
learn to hear through the Word. Our work must be founded on the primacy
of Scripture in our own lives, which will then naturally pour out upon
those we are discipling. We must teach believers to rely on the Spirit,
not primarily on authority figures in the church. We must not hinder the
depth of which a person can connect with God through the Word as a new
As Global City Missions says, "When the authority of Scripture is the
foundation for a process of discovering obedience to Christ, committed
discipleship is the goal and the potential for reproducing disciples
increases." Access to the Word of God spreads the Kingdom. And that is
what missions is all about.
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